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Religiosity, family orientation, and life satisfaction of adolescents in four countries




This study examined the rarely investigated interplay between religiosity, family orientation, and life satisfaction of adolescents across four countries with a Christian tradition and different religious contexts.A mediation relationship between religiosity and life satisfaction through family orientation moderated by the country context of religiosity was examined. In a sample of 1,077 adolescents from France (n = 172), Germany (n = 270), Poland (n = 348), and the United States (n = 287), we found that in all cultures, religiosity had a positive impact on adolescents’ family orientation, which was in turn related to a higher life satisfaction.This link was stronger in cultures with a high overall religiosity (Poland and the United States) as compared to one of the two cultures with the lowest importance of religion (Germany).
机译:这项研究调查了四个国家(基督教传统和不同宗教背景)中青少年的宗教信仰,家庭取向和生活满意度之间的相互作用,该研究很少通过调查,并考察了由国家宗教背景主持的家庭取向对宗教信仰与生活满意度之间的中介关系。 。在法国(n = 172),德国(n = 270),波兰(n = 348)和美国(n = 287)的1,077名青少年中,我们发现在所有文化中,宗教信仰都有积极的影响与青少年的家庭取向有关,这又与更高的生活满意度有关。与宗教信仰重要性最低的两种文化之一(波兰和美国)相比,这种联系在总体宗教信仰较高的文化中更为牢固(德国)。



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